IU Online is part of the Office of the Vice President for Regional Campuses and Online Education. IU Online has has offices on multiple IU campuses.
Our staff
Our partners
IU takes a collaborative approach to online education, with units from multiple campuses sharing expertise and resources. IU Online’s role is to facilitate collaboration among those units.
Program development and support
IU Online partners with the IU Online Academic Affairs, eLearning Design and Services, and campus teaching and learning centers to develop and support online academic programs at IU.
IU Online Academic Affairs
The IU Online Academic Affairs facilitates intercampus collaboration to develop, implement, and sustain shared online degrees and certificates.
Student services
IU Online’s collaborative partnership model leverages the expertise and resources of campuses for the benefit of online students. Currently there are partnerships in these areas.
- Math Support
- Writing Support
- Supplemental Instruction
Additional student services include:
- A 24/7 contact center
- Online proctoring services
- Communication and IT support
Faculty support
IU Online works with units across the university to support faculty as they develop and deliver online courses and programs.